Thomas Alva Edison School

Thomas Alva Edison School

Elementary Schools in Caguas, Caguas

Elementary Schools Middle Schools & High Schools Private Schools

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Urb. Alturas De Villa Del Rey, Calle 34 Final
Caguas , Caguas 00726 PUERTO RICO

About Thomas Alva Edison School

In the Caguas region, TAES has offered, for over 50 years, a college preparatory education in a safe and family-oriented environment. We validate our philosophy daily and encourage the development of a well-rounded citizen. Students are empowered with a solid bilingual education, having the opportunity to excel in the arts, sports, academics, and leadership positions, while reinforcing the values which will help them become the whole individual that we at TAES strive for. This is achieved by the great teamwork of professional and qualified faculty, outstanding staff, and committed administration, along with wonderful parents whose priority are the students.



Thomas Alva Edison School 7877438352
Urb. Alturas De Villa Del Rey, Calle 34 Final
Caguas , Caguas 00726 PUERTO RICO
Thomas Alva Edison School

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Thomas Alva Edison School
Elementary Schools
Not Rated
preschool activities,  private schools
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Thomas Alva Edison School

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